Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Post-Assessment for Report Writing

As a class, we are going to view this video twice. First time through, watch and learn! Second time through, take notes as you watch it. These notes, along with the written notes provided with the task description, will help you write a detailed report on the Red Kangaroo.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Learning Te Reo

This week, with our student teacher Ms. Foy, we have been learning some basic greetings and counting up to 100 in Te Reo Maori. For some of us, these lessons were really just a review, while for others it was the first time to ever be exposed to these language structures. On each of our posts we are going to be evaluating how well we feel we used the language, what we feel we need to work on, and how we would rate our effort. Feel free to look at everyone's videos - they can be found on our blog list.